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Memory is greater than history

Yom Ha'Shoah, the day we remember the holocaust perpetrated by the Nazi regime in Europe between 1939 and 1945. While the world can read and learn, study and analyse, comment and narrate, or in the worst cases deny the Holocaust, Jewish people remember in their hearts and through the stories of their families and communities. We are connected as a people, through our marriages our children our loved ones, our neighbours and all of the people who were real, all had names - not just numbers. We continue to feel their absence and vow to never forget then or how it came to be that they perished. While we remember the 6 million Jews who were systematically murdered, we also hold a memorial to the other victims - people with disabilities, people of diverse sexual orientation, Jehovah's witnesses, Sinti and Romani people, and the Nazi inspired genocides of Armenia. May there memories be a blessing.

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